Everyone was entertained by guest speaker, Dr. Glenn R. Stewart, Professor Emeritus - Cal Poly Pomona and grandson of Wilbert W. Stewart, owner of the Bank of Perris. He spoke of his family's migration to Perris and the history of the Bank of Perris. With the old bank building up next on the city's redevelopment plan and slated to be our new Archival Library, it was of special interest to all present. Everyone found the Stewart’s unconventional security measures fascinating. Why would customers stand sideways to the teller windows? That information and much more will definitely be kept in the archives of our historical association.
The association thanks Ralph Keyes for letting us borrow his collection of antique collectable banks. They were a new and unique spin on table centerpieces and everyone had a lot of fun figuring out how they worked.
Business of the meeting/dinner was conducted with the following officers installed to serve until next year:
President.....................................Quinn Hawley
1st Vice President................................Rudy Lee
2nd Vice President...........................Katie Keyes
Secretary.......................................Mae Minnich
Treasurer................................Dennise Manning
Ann Motte
Vincent Magana
Kay Busch
Bill Hulstrom
Maethorne Fowler
Midgie Parker – Director at Large